Objective: To mobilize our membership towards community development and philanthropy.

Cognisance of the fact that our members are educated and have progressed economically, we wish to give back to the society and support the community towards prosperity and progress. RPT has singled out the education sector as a rewarding field for systematic and sustainable giving back to the Rarieda society. We have high hopes for a beneficial return to the community through investment in the intellectual development of our people.

However, we shall also embark on other value-adding projects like water and sanitation, environmental management, legal clinic, medical camps and other community awareness programmes


  • Education Outcomes: We will support at least 50 students to go to secondary schools and the university every year for the next 10 years. RPT will design a smart short-listing system that intelligently identifies and enrols needy and deserving candidates who also show unique potential in making a contribution in the society.
  • Mentorship: The members of RPT will take under their wings young students in high schools and universities and mentor them towards being professionals like them. The mentorship programmes will ensure that at least 200 students are being mentored every year.
  • Environmental management, Water and Sanitation: In partnership with NGOs and CBOs, RPT will support communities to dig wells, invest in water and harvesting and storage facilities and help schools build ablution blocks that can support the communities around the school. Further, in recognition of the need to preserve the environment and in response to the presidential call, RPT will support the communities to plant trees, and develop efficient and environmentally friendly waste management systems. In particular, the RPT will work with school-going students to plant trees in their schools, along common pathways, and community grounds.
  • Outreach Programmes: RPT will work in tandem with government agencies and other organisations to create awareness of community problems and vices these may include campaigns against HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, crime, drugs, etc. As the hotbed of professionals, the input of the RPT members in these campaigns will go a long way in ensuring their success.
Community DevelopmentEducationScholarships and bursariesProfessional support to local schools2025 -2033 All
MentorshipSmall group mentorshipsMentorship conferencesCareer Exposure Programmes
Environment, Water & SanitationWells and Boreholes drillingTree planting ProgrammesBeach/Market cleaning Programmes
Community OutreachHealth outreachAgricultural/livelihoods outreachYouth Outreach